GF中国样机实验室合作发表文章 (复制)

Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS®)

The design concept of PPMS system isOn a precisely controlled low temperature and high magnetic field platform, fully automated magnetic, electrical, thermal and morphological, even ferroelectric and dielectric properties measurement methods are integratedThis design makes full use of the low temperature and strong magnetic field environment of the entire system, greatly reducing the cost of purchasing instruments for customers, avoiding the tediousness and errors of setting up experiments by themselves, and can quickly realize the researchers' valuable research ideas.

A PPMS system consists of a basic system and various measurement and extended function options: the basic system provides a low temperature and strong magnetic field environment, as well as the software and hardware control center of the entire system; users select various measurement options and extended function options of their interest based on the basic system platform. 

For most routine experimental projects, PPMS has designed fully automatic measurement software and hardware with standard measurement functions, such as AC and DC resistivity, magnetoresistance, differential resistance, Hall coefficient, volt-ampere characteristics, critical current, AC magnetic susceptibility, hysteresis loop, thermomagnetic curve, specific heat, thermoelectric effect, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity and morphology characterization, etc. The reliability and convenience of these measurement methods have been recognized by the world scientific community in the past decade. Through unique and ingenious design, the various measurement options on the PPMS system can not interfere with each other, and can be switched to each other simply and quickly.

Technical Parameters


Temperature control range: 1.9K – 400K continuous control 22

Temperature expansion: 50mK dilution refrigerator

             0.4K He3 Refrigerator

             1000K VSM high temperature furnace

Temperature scanning rate: 0.01 – 8 K/min (non-self-cycling model)

Temperature stability: ±0.2% T < 10K

                 ±0.02% T > 10K

Temperature control mode: fast mode, non-overshoot mode, scanning mode

Magnetic field range: Superconducting magnets included (optional):

              ±9T; ±14T; ±16T

Magnetic field resolution: 0.02 mT to 1 T

                 0.2 mT to 9 T

Magnetic field stability: 1PPM/hour

Field change rate: 10-200 Oe/s

Remanence: < 5 Oe (9T in oscillating mode)

Magnet operation modes: closed loop mode and drive mode

Magnetic field approach mode: Oscillation mode Non-overshoot mode    

                 Linear Mode Scan Mode

The PPMS platform offers a variety of measurement options