Equipment Repair
中国已建立起十分完善的售后服务体系。公司拥有一支强大的本地售后服务团队,致力于为客户提供专业的本地技术支持服务,解决客户在仪器使用过程中出现的问题;同时,公司拥有价值超过50万美元的本地耗材备件库,用于加速售后服务响应速度。我们的技术工程师和产品应用工程师会定期归纳、总结用户在使用仪器的过程中的常见问题和解决办法,将其形成标准文档。同时会积累经验,将多年的累积技术经验补充完善到文档当中,以期为用户提供大程度上的便利。“不仅提供先进的产品,还提供先进的售后服务”是Quantum Design中国坚定秉承的服务理念,也是越来越多客户选择中国的重要原因。
We also encourage you to participate in our regular user training courses or user exchange meetings. In the training courses or exchange meetings, we will collect common experimental operation questions from users and provide detailed answers. At the same time, we will invite senior users to share their experiences.
You can click "Recent Training Updates" at the bottom of the page to view and participate in recent training, or call us to express your training needs and we will actively respond.